Logistics Skills Alliance networking in Manchester to talk freight delivery on every level, clean air to congestion, recruitment to kerb space parking.
It was a bicycle to station, train to Manchester and a tram to the venue for four modal streams to the full house Manchester event.
Virtual courier bays, workforce solutions for logistics, train final mile, travel demand management for smart motorways and the four Rs, re-time, re-route, reduce, re-mode.
TfGM freight boss, Helen Smith,
Why is there a pineapple on the table ?
Carl Lomas LSA chair,
It represents excellence in logistics; 12,000 miles - road, rail, air and sea, on-time and undamaged in a supermarket near you. No, one more step, we will deliver it to your home free of charge; that’s final mile.
TfGM Manchester full house freight summit.
Helen Smith, head of freight for TfGM talked Greater Manchester freight strategy, ‘GM has 10 local authorities and our key link roads are A666, A58, A635, A34. M60, A5103, A56, A57 and the Mancunian Way. We are in a timeframe to submit a strategic transport revue to JAQU.’ ‘Reducing trips to reduce NOX, we are taking high level vision to reduce thousands of trips. We have a shortlist of 17 measures from geographic boundaries to congestion planning, communications and active travel.
Neil Herron talked VLB kerb space. ‘Circling the block to find kerb space is not the answer to clean air’. ‘Virtual courier bays allowing swift deliveries to the high street.’ Use our app to book a virtual loading bay VLB. Short slots on a simple 3 stage app to complete final mile drops on time every time.’
Jeff Screeton covered parcels by rail into Manchester. ‘A new-ish approach to urban logistics’ ‘History of Red Star, today we have premium seafood on same day rush delivery from Cornwall to restaurants in London.’ Our vision is local courier to train, the train bit is 90mph, then local courier to client. Add visibility, we can track trains 24/7, miss one and another will be along shortly to add flexibility. We have a real time notice board of where the train is.’ Nick Gallop stepped in to talk tech and toys. ‘ Electric freight multiple unit (EMU) 100mph carries 60 tonnes, 200 roller cages, electric zero emission, and you can connect three together.’ Intercity express – linking national and regional DCs. Cross City Shuttle linking outer and inner urban Distribution Centre’s.
Alex Farkas on logistics recruitment with DWP JCP, ‘Jobs That Move’ there is a lack of profile and understanding for logistics in the career opportunities. Add to this a dwindling supply of workforce as unemployment hits record low levels and workforce in logistics becomes a big challenge. ‘Our service is free, universal job match, it's web based for you to advertise your job vacancies.’ Alex went on to talk legacy of the recent national campaign, DWP – ‘Jobs that Move.’ Logistics champions near you. Alex went onto the panel to be the most focused request of questions in next generation logistics workforce.
Richard Armitage on last mile city logistics cycles. ‘Cycle success will require behaviour shifts from other road users.’ Richard detailed his Manchester cycle fleet, employed and on a Manchester living wage. They are trained, have toilet access and ride a well maintained cycle fleet. Commenting on the state of the sector. ‘There are a problems in the term, we will deliver free and right away.’ Richard also outlined free cargo bikes, borrow for three months and trial a Triangulum trike on the Oxford road corridor of Manchester.
Julie James TfGM Travel demand Management TDM - ‘The 4 Rs, Retime – Re-route – Reduce – Re-mode.’
Rachel Hutchins Highways England, talked TDM for the smart motorways M60 and M62, ‘communication and engagement with road users to reduce congestion during peak of peak. We are trying to spread traffic into the shoulders of peak.’
Panel session saw questions focus on workforce, Alex Farkas DWP JCP, fielded the majority of answers, size of the logistics workforce, training it and retaining it.
Richard Banks, TfGM sorted the Workshops to finish, City Centre Transport Strategy, Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, the Mayor's Green Summit, TDM Travel Demand Management and Servicing Activities finished the 4th TfGM Manchester freight Summit with a strong operator input to getting the final mile delivered.
Helen Smith freight boss at TfGM
Neil Herron Kerb Space
Jeff Screeton and Nick Gallop Parcel by rail
Alex Farkas DWP JCP – National Logistics head
Richard Armitage Cycle logistics
Julie James TfGM and Highways England, Rachel Hutchins
Richard Banks TfGM sorts the workshops